
全球经济“节能、环保、低碳、新能源、新技术”的变革,给照明产业的增长带来了前 所未有的机遇和挑战。“广州国际照明展览会——阿拉丁神灯奖”旨在嘉奖对全球照明产业 绿色、节能、新技术的创新产品,光技术与艺术完美结合的杰出工程作品,以及为照明产业 的发展孜孜以求的卓越人士。 Global economic changes themed "energy conservation, environmental protection, low carbon, new energy and new technology" have brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges to the growth of the lighting industry. "Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition--Alighting Award" is intended to honor those who seek green and energy-conserving innovative products using new technologies in the global lighting industry, outstanding engineering works perfectly integrating lighting technologies with arts, and the development of the lighting industry. “阿拉丁神灯奖”的标志有着独特而别出心裁的设计,西方的神话寓意结合中国的古文物“猴顶灯”的创作灵感,加上跃动的火苗,昭示着照明行业的美好未来。 The logo of the "Alighting Award" was designed ingeniously. The implication of the western myth, combined with the inspiration China's antique--"Monkey Light" and the flickering flame, indicates the bright future of the lighting industry. “阿拉丁神灯奖”分为产品、技术、工程、设计四大类别。2015第三届神灯奖得到百名提名委员和合作机构大力支持,共收到422封推荐信,推荐申报加上自主申报的企业单位数量达到573家,771项申报,其中通过审核的达到621项。经过组委会秘书处的初审,提名委员、合作机构联合复审,七位终审评委终审,揭晓出本届“十大产品奖、十大技术奖、十大工程奖和十大设计奖”。 The " Alighting Award" falls into four categories: product, technology, project and design. The 2015 (3rd) edition drew strong support 100 nominating committee members and cooperative institutions, and received 422 letters of recommendation. 621 of 771 entries submitted by 573 enterprises through recommendation or independently passed examination. Upon the initial review by the secretariat of the organizing committee, the joint review by the nominating committee and cooperative institutions, and the final review by seven judges, "Top 10 Products", "Top 10 Technologies", "Top 10 Projects" and "Top 10 designs" were ed. 我们希望,通过“神灯奖”评选出行业标杆与优秀品牌企业,为业界树立表率,提供引导,促进照明产业发展。在各方的鼎力支持下, “阿拉丁神灯奖”必将鹏程万里,彰显我们业界人士共同的光荣与梦想! We expect to industrial models and outstanding branded enterprises for the award to set good examples and give guidance to the industry, thus promoting the development of the lighting industry. With the strong support of all sides, the "Alighting Award" will have a bright future and display the common glory and dream of industry players!
地区: 广东 广州市


  • 品牌 拓享
  • 适用空间 办公
  • 风格样式 美式
  • 灯体材质 铁质
  • 灯罩材质 铁质





此款教室灯在护眼的同时,还增加了智能感光模块,使其更具人性化。 While protecting the eyes, this classroom lamp also adds an intelligent photosensitive module to make it more humane.



尺寸:1200*300*145mm Size: 1200*300*145mm 功率:40W Power: 40W 色温:4000K/5000K Color temperature: 4000K/5000K 色容差:≤3SDCM Color tolerance: ≤3SDCM 显色指数:Ra≥95/R12>70 Color rendering index: Ra≥95/R12>70 功率因数:PF≥0.95 Power factor: PF≥0.95 光效:>80lm/W Light efficiency: >80lm/W 闪烁:无闪烁、无频闪 Flicker: no flicker, no stroboscopic 统一眩光值:≤16 Unified glare value: ≤16 智慧感光,支持恒照度模式 Smart photosensitive, support constant illumination mode 视网膜蓝光危害等级:RG0(无危险级) Retina blue light hazard level: RG0 (non-hazardous level) 光生物危害类别:无危险类 Photobiological hazard category: non-hazardous “RoSH”认证:有毒有害物质含量(铅、汞、镉、多溴联苯和多溴联苯醚)不超标 "RoSH" certification: the content of toxic and hazardous substances (lead, mercury, cadmium, polybrominated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers) does not exceed the standard 防护等级:IP40 Protection level: IP40 技术标准等级:GB7000.1.2015/GB7000.201.-2008/CQC3155-2016 Technical standard level: GB7000.1.2015/GB7000.201.-2008/CQC3155-2016

此款教室灯配备高精准光线传感器,可根据周围光照情况进行调节,精确地维持光照平衡。在不需要人为干扰的情况下,开启恒照度模式,即可自动监测和调节教室的光线和环境。当外部照射进来的光越来越强烈时,教室内的灯光亮度会自动下降,而课桌照度则会维持在300 lx或更高的国家标准中,节约能源。当外界照射进来的光线变弱时,教室内的灯光亮度会自动提高,课桌表面的照度,会达到300 lx或更高的标准,以保证充足的光线。另外,在恒照度模式下,有3秒的软启动时间,让眼睛有适应过程。 This classroom lamp is equipped with a high-precision light sensor, which can be adjusted according to the surrounding light conditions to accurately maintain the light balance. Without human interference, turn on the constant illumination mode to automatically monitor and adjust the light and environment of the classroom. When the light coming in from the outside becomes more and more intense, the brightness of the lights in the classroom will automatically decrease, and the illuminance of the desks will be maintained at the national standard of 300 lx or higher, saving energy. When the light coming in from the outside becomes weak, the brightness of the lights in the classroom will automatically increase, and the illuminance on the surface of the desks will reach a standard of 300 lx or higher to ensure sufficient light. In addition, in the constant illumination mode, there is a soft start time of 3 seconds, allowing the eyes to adapt.

2021年8月,拓享智慧照明项目团队承担了余杭文昌高级中学教室照明环境改造工程,选用“LED健康黑板灯+LED健康教室灯(智能款)”作为照明配套,通过合理布光,解决教室光线叠加和死角光线不足的现象,为余杭高级中学师生带来一场轻松愉悦的教室照明体验。 改造共涉及33间普通教室及2间多功能教室,更换护眼灯具525盏。 In August 2021, the Tuoxiang Smart Lighting Project team undertook the classroom lighting environment renovation project of Yuhang Wenchang Senior Middle School, and chose "LED healthy blackboard light + LED healthy classroom light (smart model)" as the lighting equipment, and solved the classroom through reasonable lighting. The phenomenon of light superposition and insufficient light in the blind corners brings a relaxing and pleasant classroom lighting experience to the teachers and students of Yuhang Senior Middle School. The renovation involved 33 ordinary classrooms and 2 multi-functional classrooms, and 525 eye-protection lamps were replaced.

2020年12月,获得“可降低照明眩光值的灯具格栅网结构”实用新型专利。 In December 2020, it obtained the utility model patent for "Lamp grid structure that can reduce the glare value of lighting".


新增智能感光模块,并配有高精度的光敏元件,可随著周围光线的改变,精确地维持照明环境的照度平衡。 A newly-added intelligent photosensitive module is equipped with a high-precision photosensitive element, which can accurately maintain the illuminance balance of the lighting environment as the surrounding light changes.




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