
全球经济“节能、环保、低碳、新能源、新技术”的变革,给照明产业的增长带来了前 所未有的机遇和挑战。“广州国际照明展览会——阿拉丁神灯奖”旨在嘉奖对全球照明产业 绿色、节能、新技术的创新产品,光技术与艺术完美结合的杰出工程作品,以及为照明产业 的发展孜孜以求的卓越人士。 Global economic changes themed "energy conservation, environmental protection, low carbon, new energy and new technology" have brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges to the growth of the lighting industry. "Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition--Alighting Award" is intended to honor those who seek green and energy-conserving innovative products using new technologies in the global lighting industry, outstanding engineering works perfectly integrating lighting technologies with arts, and the development of the lighting industry. “阿拉丁神灯奖”的标志有着独特而别出心裁的设计,西方的神话寓意结合中国的古文物“猴顶灯”的创作灵感,加上跃动的火苗,昭示着照明行业的美好未来。 The logo of the "Alighting Award" was designed ingeniously. The implication of the western myth, combined with the inspiration China's antique--"Monkey Light" and the flickering flame, indicates the bright future of the lighting industry. “阿拉丁神灯奖”分为产品、技术、工程、设计四大类别。2015第三届神灯奖得到百名提名委员和合作机构大力支持,共收到422封推荐信,推荐申报加上自主申报的企业单位数量达到573家,771项申报,其中通过审核的达到621项。经过组委会秘书处的初审,提名委员、合作机构联合复审,七位终审评委终审,揭晓出本届“十大产品奖、十大技术奖、十大工程奖和十大设计奖”。 The " Alighting Award" falls into four categories: product, technology, project and design. The 2015 (3rd) edition drew strong support 100 nominating committee members and cooperative institutions, and received 422 letters of recommendation. 621 of 771 entries submitted by 573 enterprises through recommendation or independently passed examination. Upon the initial review by the secretariat of the organizing committee, the joint review by the nominating committee and cooperative institutions, and the final review by seven judges, "Top 10 Products", "Top 10 Technologies", "Top 10 Projects" and "Top 10 designs" were ed. 我们希望,通过“神灯奖”评选出行业标杆与优秀品牌企业,为业界树立表率,提供引导,促进照明产业发展。在各方的鼎力支持下, “阿拉丁神灯奖”必将鹏程万里,彰显我们业界人士共同的光荣与梦想! We expect to industrial models and outstanding branded enterprises for the award to set good examples and give guidance to the industry, thus promoting the development of the lighting industry. With the strong support of all sides, the "Alighting Award" will have a bright future and display the common glory and dream of industry players!
地区: 广东 广州市

GO-NR1000 近场分布光度计

  • 品牌 远方





项目名称: GO-NR1000近场分布光度计

GO-NR1000 Near-Field Goniophotometer

申报单位: 杭州远方光电信息股份有限公司




Optical design play a decisive role in the quality and lighting effects of the final LED products, and precise optical design depends on the detailed and accurate optical data. However, in some LED products or lighting designs, adopting the traditional far-field data can’t achieve the desired results, especially when the light sources are close to optical elements or illuminant surface. In this case, the near-field distribution measurement based on the spatial luminance distribution can provide complete rays model with obvious advantages.


1、水平轴(γ轴)转动范围Rotating range of horizontal axis(γ axis):-140°~+140°;

2、竖直轴(C轴)转动范围Rotating range of vertical axis(C axis):0°~360°;

3、转动角度精度Angle accuracy of rotation:±0.1°;

4、测量距离Measurement distance:≥80mm;

5、被测光源发光面尺寸Size of emitting area of tested source:0.5mm~100mm;

6、成像亮度计像素Pixel of imaging luminance meter:≥1000000;

7、亮度测量范围Measurement range of luminance: 1cd/m2~20000kcd/m2。





Based on the latest domestic and international standards, GO-NR1000 is equipped with a high-performance imaging luminance meter, precise measurement technology and powerful analysis software to achieve accurate measurement and analysis of near-field photometry of light sources, which is a leading level at home and abroad in terms of hardware configuration and software functions

In terms of hardware, the light source fixture is equipped with a refrigeration device, and a megapixel imaging luminance meter with TE refrigeration are adopted. The spectral response function of the detector is matched with the CIE V(λ) function and has a large linear dynamic range, which ensures the accuracy measurement of image luminance. With the combination of high-precision goniometer and precise measurement and control technology, the imaging luminance meter is rotated around the light source to be measured to collect the luminance distribution of the tested light source, then the luminous flux of each emitting element of the light source in all directions is deduced, so as to establish a detailed ray model to derive the illuminance distribution and far field light intensity distribution on arbitrary surface.

On the software, GO-NR1000 equipped with powerful software guarantees the transmission of large amounts of data and the analysis of complex calculations, which fully meets the requirements of relevant standards for the measurement of angular intervals.



Since the product entered the market, the product itself sales are very successful and have achieved good economic benefits. Moreover, the measurement system can accurately measure and analyze the near-field light distribution of the light source, which is particularly beneficial to the secondary development and design of the light source and has played a positive role in ensuring the quality of lighting products and optimizing market order, so its indirect economic benefits are even greater.



The LED fixture with refrigeration device ensures luminous stability of light sources ;


The imaging luminance meter used adopts TE refrigeration to ensure its stability;


Equipped with a photometer to monitor light output to ensure the measurement accuracy;


Equipped with a spectrometer to measure and evaluate the spatial color distribution of light sources;


Powerful calculation and analysis software guarantees the capabilities of large amounts of data transmission and complex calculation and analysis.



The ray distribution (upper right) and spatial luminous intensity distribution (lower left) of typical LED package (upper left)



The spatial luminous intensity distribution (right) of typical LED package (left)




杭州远方光电信息股份有限公司(股票代码:300306,简称“远方信息” )是智能检测识别信息技术和服务提供商,布局涉及光电检测、核磁共振、红外紫外、生物识别、基因检测诊断等专业,拥有自主核心技术,广泛服务于工业、交通、金融、军工、公共、医疗等领域,到目前为止,远方信息是全球唯一一家以“LED和照明检测设备”为主营业务而实现公司上市的企业。公司坐落于被誉为“天堂硅谷”的杭州滨江国家高新技术开发区,是国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业,国内首家CIE正式官方会员企业,ISO9001国际认证通过企业,国家“双软”认证通过企业,拥有美国NVLAP认可实验室和中国CNAS认可实验室。2013年和2014年连续两年被福布斯评为中国最具潜力上市公司100强。



EVERFINE Corporation (Stock Code: 300306) is a professional supplier of photoelectrical (optical, electrical, opto-electronical) measurement instrument and calibration service, and leading in the field of LED & lighting measurement instrument. She is located in Binjiang National Hi-Tech Zone, Hangzhou, China, the so called Heaven Silicon Valley. EVERFINE is a National Certificated High-tech Enterprise, Supportive Member of the CIE, ISO9001 Registered Firm, Government Certificated Software Enterprise & Software Product Enterprise, and owns a Province Level High-tech R&D Center, and NVLAP accredited Lab and CNAS accredited Lab. In 2013 and 2014, EVERFINE was judged by Forbes as China’s Most Potential Listed Companies.

EVERFINE has undertaken projects of National 863 programs and local government Key Science &Technology Programs for many times. EVERFINE owns more than 100 patents, including Germany, US ones. Several products were awarded as "National Outstanding Innovation", "National Independent Innovation Products" or "National Key & New Products". Meanwhile, EVERFINE is active in the standardization societies, and chaired or participated in over 30 international and domestic standards.

EVERFINE has the largest customer base in LED & Lighting industry in the world, and lead both oversea and domestic high-end market share. The products have been exported to US, Europe, Japan and other developed ries and regions. The customers include high level institutes and laboratories like NIM, UNDP, NIST, ITRI, SGS, ITS, TUV, KEMA, CTI, and famous corporations like CREE, PHILIPS, GE, OSRAM, SAMSUNG and etc.




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