
全球经济“节能、环保、低碳、新能源、新技术”的变革,给照明产业的增长带来了前 所未有的机遇和挑战。“广州国际照明展览会——阿拉丁神灯奖”旨在嘉奖对全球照明产业 绿色、节能、新技术的创新产品,光技术与艺术完美结合的杰出工程作品,以及为照明产业 的发展孜孜以求的卓越人士。 Global economic changes themed "energy conservation, environmental protection, low carbon, new energy and new technology" have brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges to the growth of the lighting industry. "Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition--Alighting Award" is intended to honor those who seek green and energy-conserving innovative products using new technologies in the global lighting industry, outstanding engineering works perfectly integrating lighting technologies with arts, and the development of the lighting industry. “阿拉丁神灯奖”的标志有着独特而别出心裁的设计,西方的神话寓意结合中国的古文物“猴顶灯”的创作灵感,加上跃动的火苗,昭示着照明行业的美好未来。 The logo of the "Alighting Award" was designed ingeniously. The implication of the western myth, combined with the inspiration China's antique--"Monkey Light" and the flickering flame, indicates the bright future of the lighting industry. “阿拉丁神灯奖”分为产品、技术、工程、设计四大类别。2015第三届神灯奖得到百名提名委员和合作机构大力支持,共收到422封推荐信,推荐申报加上自主申报的企业单位数量达到573家,771项申报,其中通过审核的达到621项。经过组委会秘书处的初审,提名委员、合作机构联合复审,七位终审评委终审,揭晓出本届“十大产品奖、十大技术奖、十大工程奖和十大设计奖”。 The " Alighting Award" falls into four categories: product, technology, project and design. The 2015 (3rd) edition drew strong support 100 nominating committee members and cooperative institutions, and received 422 letters of recommendation. 621 of 771 entries submitted by 573 enterprises through recommendation or independently passed examination. Upon the initial review by the secretariat of the organizing committee, the joint review by the nominating committee and cooperative institutions, and the final review by seven judges, "Top 10 Products", "Top 10 Technologies", "Top 10 Projects" and "Top 10 designs" were ed. 我们希望,通过“神灯奖”评选出行业标杆与优秀品牌企业,为业界树立表率,提供引导,促进照明产业发展。在各方的鼎力支持下, “阿拉丁神灯奖”必将鹏程万里,彰显我们业界人士共同的光荣与梦想! We expect to industrial models and outstanding branded enterprises for the award to set good examples and give guidance to the industry, thus promoting the development of the lighting industry. With the strong support of all sides, the "Alighting Award" will have a bright future and display the common glory and dream of industry players!
地区: 广东 广州市

Delta AMECO_空氣抑菌燈-2022神灯奖最佳产品奖

  • 品牌 台達電子
  • 适用空间 商业、办公、医院
  • 功率(w) 201-400w
  • 整灯光通量(lm) 2001-3000lm
  • 光源类型 其他





本產品集LED晝夜節律照明、換氣風扇、紫外線殺菌多功能於一身。特殊造型的LED環形光源可以透過藍芽遙控或手機APP來調整,提供所需的亮度及色溫照明環境。在大面積的應用環境,多盞燈具可以透過藍芽MESH進行群組設定及控制,不須額外的Gateway或硬體控制介面。附加的APP軟體提供預設的晝夜節律自動排程,可以滿足WELL建築的要求。使用者亦可依環境需要來編程需要的照明參數。 燈具設計安裝在天花板上方,整合的換氣扇系統可提供強力且安靜的區域性空氣對流,適合應用在高風險區域如: 病房、診療間、商用會議室等場所。換氣扇會吸入懸浮在空間中的病毒或細菌進入殺菌腔體進行殺菌。殺菌腔體配備8隻高劑量的UVC燈管,大部分的病毒或細菌都可在單次的循環中快速完成殺菌,之後再將殺菌後的乾淨空氣從側向出風口送出。此區域性的空氣對流殺菌系統可以獨立運作,不須安裝額外的管路。 This fixture is a multi-function design including LED circadian lighting, ventilation fan and UV-C disinfection. The circle shape LED lighting can be controlled by BLE remote controller or mobile APP to adjust the color temperature and lux level to deliver users’ favorite lighting environment. For larger space, fixtures can be connected and controlled by Bluetooth Mesh without additional gateway or controller. The APP also provide the pre-setting automatic circadian lighting to fulfill WELL building requirement. Users can also adjust the setting for their own preference. The integrated ventilation fan is powerful and quiet to create a small air cycling above high risk area like patient room, clinic and commercial meeting room. Fixture will suction the airborne virus and bacteria in the space to the disinfection chamber equipped above the ceiling. The chamber equipped with 8 UV-C lamps to eliminate most of the virus and bacteria during their stay in the chamber. Then the cleaned air will be released by the side window of the fixture to minimize the interference to users. This local air cycling and cleaning design does not require additional vent-pipe installation.



輸入電壓: 100~240VAC 額定功率: 310W 照明亮度: 2700k/4000k/6500k, 2400lm/2600lm/2800lm 演色性: CRI>90 PIR感應範圍: 長x寬=6x6m(高度3m) 額定風量(CADR): 130CMH 噪音: Max. 42dBA 抑菌能力: 54mW/cm2 適用面積: 13m2 或 4坪(2.5m高度) 尺寸: 長x寬x高= 620×620×260mm 重量: 20Kg Input Voltage: 100~240VAC Power: 310W Luminous flux: 2700k/4000k/6500k, 2400lm/2600lm/2800lm Color rendering index: CRI>90 PIR sensing area: LxW=6x6m(高度3m) CADR: 130CMH Noise: Max. 42dBA Radiant flux: 54mW/cm2 Using area: 13m2 或 4坪(2.5m高度) Dimension: LxWxH= 620×620×260mm Weight: 20Kg

1. LED晝夜節律照明、換氣風扇、紫外線殺菌三合一設計 2. 不須額外的Gateway或硬體控制介面,可依需求透過藍芽遙控或app進行LED色溫、亮度的調整。 3. 可透過APP設定-提供 a. 滿足WELL建築要求的晝夜節律照明環境 b. 多盞燈具可以透過藍芽MESH進行群組設定及排程控制 4. 配備人體感應sensor,當感應到人員時自動啟動UVC殺菌功能。特殊殺菌腔設計,UVC殺菌動作時人員無須迴避。 5. 使用強力且安靜的換氣風扇,將空氣中的細菌及病毒吸入殺菌腔進行UVC殺菌後再將乾淨空氣排出,無須安裝額外的空調管路 6. 配備8隻高劑量的UVC燈管,大部分的病毒或細菌都可在單次的循環中快速完成殺菌 1. LED circadian lighting, ventilation fan and UV-C disinfection three-in-one design 2. No extra gateway or controller is required. The LED lighting can be controlled by BLE remote controller or mobile APP to adjust the required color temperature and lux level. 3. The APP can provide: a. pre-setting automatic circadian lighting to fulfill WELL building requirement b. Multiple fixtures can be connected and controlled by Bluetooth Mesh for grouping and scheduling setup. 4. Equiped with human sensor, the maching will kick off the UVC disinfection automatically while sensing people。With the special dis-infection chamber design, people can accompany with the machine while the UVC is woking. 5. The powerful and quiet fan is used and will suction the airborne virus and bacteria in the space to the disinfection chamber for UVC disinfection process, then the cleaned air will be released. No extra vent-pipe installation is required. 6. Equipped with 8 UV-C lamps and can eliminate most of the virus and bacteria during their stay in the chamber.


與市場上相似的UVC殺菌設備相比,本設備提供相對高劑量的UVC殺菌能力,且結合了智能控制的LED照明功能,在產品性價比上相對有競爭力 Compared with similar UVC disinfection equipments on the market, this equipment provides a relatively high dose of UVC cabability, and combined with the smart control LED lighting function, it is relatively competitive in terms of product cost and performance.

附上的應用案例為會議室、餐廳、健身房場域。本設備可以取代一般的照明燈具,安裝簡易且可透過藍芽遙控或手機APP來調整需要的照明環境。搭配的換氣風扇及UVC殺菌系統,可以針對空氣中的細菌或病毒進行殺菌,提供安全及舒適的生活空間。目前客戶對使用的效果非常滿意。 The attach application cases are for meeting rooms、restauran and gym. It can replace the general lighting fixture, easy to install and can be controlled by BLE remote controller or APP to provide required lighting condition. The ventilation fan is combined with UV-C disinfection chamber to suction the airborne virus and bacteria then release the clean air, and it provide a safe and comfortable living space. So far, customers are very satisfied with this.

1.台灣專利 TW M607600 2.大陸專利 CN214501023 1. Taiwan patent TW M607600 2. China patent CN214501023


LED光源可以透過藍芽遙控或手機app來調整,提供所需的亮度及色溫照明環境。多盞燈具可以透過藍芽進行群組設定及控制,不須額外的Gateway或硬體控制介面。附加的app軟體提供預設的晝夜節律自動排程,可以滿足WELL建築的要求。使用者亦可依環境需要來編程需要的照明參數。 The LED lighting can be controlled by BLE remote controller or mobile APP to adjust the color temperature and lux level to deliver users' favorite lighting environment. Fixtures can be connected and controlled by Bluetooth Mesh without additional gateway or controller. The APP provide the pre-setting automatic circadian lighting to fulfill WELL building requirement. Users can also adjust the setting for their own preference.

台達電子工業有限公司成立於民國64年4月,生產電視線圈及電子零組件,公司以製造繞線式磁性元件起家,為全球磁性及散熱元件重要供應商。 至民國64年8月20日改組為股份有限公司,並以此核心技術延伸發展生產電源供應器,成為全球最大交換式電源供應器廠商。 Delta Electronics Industry Co., Ltd. was established in April 1975 to produce TV coils and electronic components. The company started out by manufacturing wire-wound magnetic components and is an important global supplier of magnetic and heat-dissipating components. On August 20, 1964, it was reorganized into a joint stock limited company, and extended the development and production of power supplies with this core technology, becoming the world's largest manufacturer of switching power supplies.



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